Art Prints From The World Of Thargos
Detailed vivid art prints of characters from the world of Thargos,...
Card Games, Miniatures, Maps, Art, Clothing and more!
Here is a taster of what is on offer - follow the...
Featured Items
Newly-launched Battle Mages made its debut at Essen Spiel 2023 as did...
Heroes of Thargos "First Wave" Miniatures
Considered as the first wave of the Heroes of Thargos and as...
Minis Bundles & Specials
Here you can find things we've collected together as a bundle and...
New Releases!
Brilliant new additions to the SBG portfolio now available. Kinapa - fast-paced...
RPG Book Collection - Enter The dark Cursed Empire world.....
This is where it all started! Great to now have some of...
RPG Miniatures & Figurines
RPG Miniatures and Figurines in resin crafted for the Cursed Empire gaming...
T Shirts and Polo Shirts
Cursed Empire-themed clothing range featuring one of the classic so-called "First Wave"...
Tabletop Games, Maps & Accessories
Thargos game world Tabletop games, battle mats, maps, dice
The Cursed Empire Collection
Here you can find all of the excellent RPG-based table-top card games,...
Zombies Miniatures - Set of 6
These six miniatures have been finely sculpted in 32mm scale and resin...